Preparing for Your First Appointment
Map to Arizona Physical Therapy Specialists
Fill out your Paperwork Prior to Arriving:
Follow the Red Line to Arizona Physical Therapy SPecialists
- Please fill out your intake paperwork, print and bring it with you to your first appointment
- Please Fill out the online survey that was mailed to you. It will come from an account titled: "Patient-Inquiry" If you don't see this survey please check your spam folder or contact our office
Click Here to View Paperwork
What to Wear
Please wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to expose the area of your complaint. Shorts for lower extremity issues are helpful. For spinal issues sport bras or tank tops for female patients help us visualize and palpate the spine during the exam
When to Arrive
Please arrive 15 minutes early for paperwork so you can start your appointment promptly and maximize your time with your expert physical therapist