Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity Peter Attia MD
An undertaking but isn’t your life worth undertaking your health? This is for those who place a genuine value on their health span which may well enhance your life span as well.
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art James Nestor
A massive inhale of information and strategies on fine tuning the thing that keeps us all alive.
The Wim Hof Method: Activate YourFull Human Potential Wim Hof
Anyone interested in health and well being has heard of “the iceman”. Here is the cold plunge and breathing intensity guru in his own words. If you're going to take the plunge.
The Oxygen Advantage Patrick McKeown
No one lives without oxygen. Nearly everyone routinely makes their oxygen utilization system less efficient through bad habits that have become the norm. You don’t have to be an athlete but some simple training can make you feel like you are because you breathe better than most of them.
Surgery, The Ultimate Placebo Ian Harris MD
People, and Americans in particular have an undeserved confidence in many procedures, we just actually want the results. Does “surgery” actually deliver them? As in all cases it depends. Here is an honest review of many common surgeries that enjoy a reputation that they have not earned with results. Know what you are getting into. Everything is a risk/benefit ratio.
Crooked Cathryn Jakobson Ramin
Understand what you are getting, or not getting when it comes to treating low back pain (LBP). A chronic LBP sufferer is funded to walk through the maze of proposed treatments for what amounts to a symptom, back pain. Do the purported treatments offer an alteration on the cause of the symptoms or another expensive band-aid?
Back Mechanic Stuart McGill PhD
Our spine, like our health is our private possession and needs attention like all components of the body. The habit doesn’t need to dominate your life but a simple discipline of spine care for life will prevent you from having a poorly cared for spine dominate your life.
What Doesn’t Kill Us Scott Carney
How freezing water, extreme altitude, and environmental conditions can renew our lost evolutionary strength. A direct investigation into the extreme craze ( It isn’t new. Americans just like to rediscover and take credit for things, especially the social media addicts.)
Treat Your Own Back Robin McKenzie
The classic, straight forward sexton reversing the tendency to drive healthy discs into unhealthy ones.
Dopamine Nation Anna Lembke
Finding the delicate balance between pleasure and pain. We live in a time of unprecedented access to high-reward, high-dopamine stimuli: drugs, food, news, gambling, shopping, gaming, texting, sexting, Facebooking, Instagramming, YouTubing, tweeting . The smartphone is the modern-day hypodermic needle, delivering non stop digital dopamine we are all vulnerable to silent compulsive overconsumption.
Clear Thinking Shane Parrish
Understanding your mind, how we program it and how to use it wisely to create a clear platform for decison making.
Why We Sleep Matt Walker
Always wanted a super power? What if you learned how to use the one that you have been suppressing for most of your life? An over the top deep dive into exactly what the title states with enough practical tools to give you th motivation and the ability to stop waiting to sleep when you die and start fully living while your alive.
Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World Kelly Starrett
The 20th century progression to heady work becomes the 21st century patient maker. It is easy to stand up to it. It is just hard to break the habits that create the problems.