At Arizona Physical Therapy Specialists (AzPTS), we specialize in conservative non-surgical management of spine, orthopedic, and chronic pain conditions.

We are committed to providing the most current, cost-effective evidence-based treatment to our patients.

When you go to your physician do you want to receive care from their assistant, their medical assistants, or their nursing staff? Only physical therapists treat patients at AZPTS. You will receive the undivided attention of an expert physical therapist for your entire appointment. We recognize the privilege it is to have a patient's trust in our care and we aim to provide the best care available to maintain that trust. 


As a patient at Arizona Physical Therapy Specialists, you will receive the highest level expert one-on-one care available in physical therapy. We strive to provide the best care available for those who we have given us the privilege of having their trust in our management of their conservative neuromusculoskeletal care.

Are you receiving good care?